SPAM-LOW: Re: [asterisk-users] .Call files do not seem to work

Lee lee at
Tue Dec 19 10:44:39 MST 2006

> In the CLI:
> sip show peer axVoice
> show dialplan main_menu
> set verbose 3
> Then drop the call file
> What is the CLI trace of the above?

Hi, thanks for responding.  Please see the output below.

Please note that moving a call file into /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing 
did not produce any CLI output.  The file was copied correctly, I 
believe and not present in the /outgoing directory when I checked with a 
simple ls command.

# cp
# mv /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing

=== sip show peer axVoice ===

   * Name       : axVoice
   Secret       : <Set>
   MD5Secret    : <Not set>
   Context      : incoming
   Subscr.Cont. : <Not set>
   Language     :
   AMA flags    : Unknown
   CallingPres  : Presentation Allowed, Not Screened
   FromUser     : datatrak
   FromDomain   :
   Callgroup    :
   Pickupgroup  :
   Mailbox      :
   VM Extension : 555
   LastMsgsSent : -1
   Call limit   : 0
   Dynamic      : No
   Callerid     : "" <>
   Expire       : -1
   Insecure     : port,invite
   Nat          : Always
   ACL          : No
   CanReinvite  : Yes
   PromiscRedir : No
   User=Phone   : No
   Trust RPID   : No
   Send RPID    : No
   DTMFmode     : rfc2833
   LastMsg      : 0
   ToHost       :
   Addr->IP     : Port 5060
   Defaddr->IP  : Port 0
   Def. Username: <set>
   SIP Options  : (none)
   Codecs       : 0x4 (ulaw)
   Codec Order  : (ulaw)
   Status       : Unmonitored
   Useragent    :
   Reg. Contact :

=== show dialplan main_after_hours ===
(I mistyped the name of the context in original post)

CLI> show dialplan main_after_hours
[ Context 'main_after_hours' created by 'pbx_config' ]
   '1' =>            1. Playback(transfer) 
                     2. Macro(DialExtenVM|111|30|tm) 
                     3. Set(EXTEN=95555555555) 
                     4. GoTo(Management|95555555555|1) 
                     5. Playback(transfer) 
                     6. Macro(DialExtenVM|111|30|tr) 
                     7. Set(EXTEN=95555555555) 
                     8. GoTo(Management|95555555555|1) 
                     9. Playback(custom/no_tech_available) 
                     10. Voicemail(111) 
   '2' =>            1. 
Set(FAIL_MENU=main_after_hours|TIMEOUT_MENU=main_after_hours) [pbx_config]
                     2. Goto(support_non_emergency|s|1) 
   '444' =>          1. Set(LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE=yes) 
                     2. Dial(SIP/111|30|mgL(10000:10000:5000)) 
                     3. Wait(3) 
                     4. Goto(main_after_hours|s|1) 
   '9' =>            1. 
Set(FAIL_MENU=main_branch|TIMEOUT_MENU=main_branch) [pbx_config]
                     2. Goto(main_branch|s|1) 
   'i' =>            1. GotoIf($[ ${FAIL_MENU} != ""]|?2:3) 
                     2. Goto(${FAIL_MENU}|s|1) 
                     3. Goto(main_branch|s|1) 
   's' =>            1. Answer() 
                     2. Wait(1) 
                     3. Background(custom/after_hours) 
   't' =>            1. GotoIf($[ ${TIMEOUT_MENU} != "" ]|?2:3) 
                     2. Goto(${TIMEOUT_MENU}|s|1) 
                     3. Goto(main_branch|s|1) 
   '_ZZZ' =>         1. 


Warm Regards,


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