[asterisk-users] Diva Server V-BRI-2 and internal numbers

Gregory Duchatelet g.duchatelet at isi-com.com
Thu Dec 14 01:18:46 MST 2006

> It looks like 107 is busy ;-)
> Please increase verbosity, like
>   set verbose 5
>   capi debug
> to see what is happening.

Hi Armin,

Verbose was at 30 :)
107 is not busy since i can call it from 102, which is another internal
phone. All internal phones are busy for Asterisk...

Here is the log with verbose at 100 and capi debug enabled :

    -- Executing Dial("SIP/Greg-081f5a10", "CAPI/ISDN1/b:107||rtT") in new
       > data = ISDN1/b:107
       > parsed dialstring: 'ISDN1' 'b' '107' ''
       > capi request for interface 'ISDN1'
       > parsed dialstring: 'ISDN1' 'b' '107' ''
  == ISDN1: Call CAPI/ISDN1/107-1e   (pres=0x00, ton=0x00)
CONNECT_REQ ID=001 #0x1002 LEN=0047
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x1
  CIPValue                        = 0x1
  CalledPartyNumber               = <80>107
  CallingPartyNumber              = <00 80>b
  CalledPartySubaddress           = default
  CallingPartySubaddress          = default
   B1protocol                     = 0x1
   B2protocol                     = 0x1
   B3protocol                     = 0x0
   B1configuration                = default
   B2configuration                = default
   B3configuration                = default
   GlobalConfiguration            = default
  BC                              = default
  LLC                             = default
  HLC                             = default
   BChannelinformation            = <00 00>
   Keypadfacility                 = default
   Useruserdata                   = default
   Facilitydataarray              = default
   SendingComplete                = default

    -- Called ISDN1/b:107
       > CAPI devicestate requested for ISDN1/107
       > CAPI devicestate requested for ISDN1/107
CONNECT_CONF ID=001 #0x1002 LEN=0014
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101
  Info                            = 0x0

    -- ISDN1: received CONNECT_CONF PLCI = 0x101
INFO_IND ID=001 #0x11a8 LEN=0016
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101
  InfoNumber                      = 0x18
  InfoElement                     = <8a>

INFO_RESP ID=001 #0x11a8 LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101

    -- ISDN1: info element CHANNEL IDENTIFICATION 8a
INFO_IND ID=001 #0x11a9 LEN=0015
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101
  InfoNumber                      = 0x800d
  InfoElement                     = default

INFO_RESP ID=001 #0x11a9 LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101

    -- ISDN1: info element SETUP ACK
INFO_IND ID=001 #0x11ab LEN=0015
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101
  InfoNumber                      = 0x8002
  InfoElement                     = default

INFO_RESP ID=001 #0x11ab LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101

    -- ISDN1: info element CALL PROCEEDING
    -- CAPI/ISDN1/107-1e is proceeding passing it to SIP/Greg-081f5a10
INFO_IND ID=001 #0x11ad LEN=0037
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101
  InfoNumber                      = 0x1c
  InfoElement                     = <91 a1 13 02 02 8f> <02 01 22>0<0a a1
05>0<03 02 01 00 82 01 01>

INFO_RESP ID=001 #0x11ad LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101

    -- ISDN1: info element FACILITY
INFO_IND ID=001 #0x11ae LEN=0017
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101
  InfoNumber                      = 0x8
  InfoElement                     = <81 d8>

INFO_RESP ID=001 #0x11ae LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101

    -- ISDN1: info element CAUSE 81 d8
INFO_IND ID=001 #0x11af LEN=0015
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101
  InfoNumber                      = 0x8045
  InfoElement                     = default

INFO_RESP ID=001 #0x11af LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101

    -- ISDN1: info element DISCONNECT
    -- ISDN1: Disconnect case 1
    -- CAPI/ISDN1/107-1e is busy
  == ISDN1: CAPI Hangingup
    -- ISDN1: activehangingup (cause=88)
DISCONNECT_REQ ID=001 #0x1003 LEN=0018
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101
   BChannelinformation            = default
   Keypadfacility                 = default
   Useruserdata                   = default
   Facilitydataarray              = default
   SendingComplete                = default

  == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:1/0/0)
    -- Executing Hangup("SIP/Greg-081f5a10", "") in new stack
  == Spawn extension (macro-appel_sortant, s, 2) exited non-zero on
'SIP/Greg-081f5a10' in macro 'appel_sortant'
  == Spawn extension (macro-appel_sortant, s, 2) exited non-zero on
       > CAPI devicestate requested for ISDN1/107
       > CAPI devicestate requested for ISDN1/107
DISCONNECT_CONF ID=001 #0x1003 LEN=0014
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101
  Info                            = 0x0

INFO_IND ID=001 #0x11b1 LEN=0015
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101
  InfoNumber                      = 0x805a
  InfoElement                     = default

INFO_RESP ID=001 #0x11b1 LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101

    -- ISDN1: info element RELEASE COMPLETE
DISCONNECT_IND ID=001 #0x11b3 LEN=0014
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101
  Reason                          = 0x34d8

DISCONNECT_RESP ID=001 #0x11b3 LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101

       > CAPI INFO 0x34d8: Incompatible destination
  == ISDN1: Interface cleanup PLCI=0x101


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