[Asterisk-Users] Who is going to AstriCon (The Asterisk Conference)?

Steven Sokol steven.sokol at gmail.com
Sat Sep 17 17:30:41 MST 2005

On 9/17/05, Ed Greenberg <edg at greenberg.org> wrote:
> I'm not going because it falls on Yom Kuppur. What's up with that?


I am really very sorry about that.  I know it will prevent some people
from making it.  Unfortunately, Pulver moved VON to the spot we had
last year (this next week) and we were stuck looking for another week.

We took the only week that didn't have a directly competing show
already scheduled.  It was in no way intended as a slight to the
Jewish community within the Asterisk community.  Next year we will be
more careful and better prepared.

Many humble apologies,


> </edg>

Steven Sokol
Sokol & Associates, LLC

Ask Me About AstriCon 2005!

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