[Asterisk-Users] Yet another cisco 9760 7.x firmware failure

John Breeden jbreeden at plumhall.com
Fri Mar 18 22:37:55 MST 2005

Got my first Cisco 7960G from voipsupply this week. They sent me the sip 
firmware upgrades through 7.3.

All went well through 6.X, Then the  7.X firmware upgrade flash. 
(7.1.0). Yea, I read the archives and was forwarned :-)

The Universal Application loader flashed just fine, but died with the 
dreaded "Protocol Application Invalid" message.

tftp debug shows it's asking for SEP<hdwraddr>.cnf.xml. I fed it the xml 
script from the wiki "firmware issues on 7940-7960"

It's also asking for a file called "CTLSEP<hrdwraddr>.tlv". I have no 
idea what this file is so I've just fed it a null file with the same 
name. Any insight to what this file is or if I even need it would be 

Finally, it's asking for a file called "P003-07-1-00.loads" which I 
DON'T have. I'm guessing it's a boot loader of sorts.

Googlin' around seems to indicate that "P003-07-1-00.loads" is suppos' 
to be part of the cisco firmware release for 7.1.0. If so, it looks like 
voipsupply forgot to supply it to me.

That's what I need to verify, am I missing the file 
"P003-07-1-00.loads"? If so I can take the weekend off and start 
hounding voipsupply monday morning.

Could someone verify that I'm correct? Or is there something else I'm 

Of course if I'm right, any anonymous donation of the correct files 
would be most welcome :-)

This is what tftp is squawking as I write:

Mar 18 19:29:55 xxxx in.tftpd[32676]: RRQ from filename 
CTLSEP<xxxxxxxxxxxx>.tlv    <-don't have
Mar 18 19:29:55 xxxx in.tftpd[32677]: RRQ from filename 
SEP<xxxxxxxxxxxx>.cnf.xml    <- from wiki
Mar 18 19:29:55 xxxx in.tftpd[32678]: RRQ from filename 
P003-07-1-00.loads                <- don't have
Mar 18 19:29:55 xxxx in.tftpd[32679]: RRQ from filename 
P003-07-1-00.sbn                   <- have

Righ now the cisco akes a damn fine sexy door stop.

Thanx in advance

John Breeden
Plum Hall, Inc.
Kamuela Hawaii

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