[Asterisk-Users] Asterisk server with remote monitoring capabilities

Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir at cohens.org.il
Sat Jun 25 08:47:35 MST 2005


On Thu, Jun 23, 2005 at 05:52:44PM -0700, beonice wrote:
> Okay, so what makes more sense:
>   1) a remote management card that will let me
> actually log in to the machine to monitor it as well
> as to reboot it
>     vs.
>   2) a remote-accessible powerstrip that will allow me
> to remotely reboot the server?

Linux also has a software watchdog module. Maybe it could work here
without extra hardware to set up.

> I'm realising that sometimes the problem may simply be
> processes out of control, and may be something that
> doesn't require killing the entire machine, but just
> some processes. 
> In my current setup (an ordinary PIII 1.someting GHz
> machine, not a server-class machine), when a process
> goes haywire, I lose remote access via SSH, so I drive
> to the colo, log in, sigh in frustration, and reboot
> "because I'm already here, so why not?".

Because you destroy any evidence of the problem.

What processes are taking much CPU time? Are there any relevant log
messages? Is this a case of over-swapping? (not 100% CPU usage, but
rather large swap usage, CPU spends too much time at "system", though 
the latter may be probably normal for an Asterisk server).

Could you login from the console? Did you manage to move between virtual

Install the package sysstat and run sar to get some stats. Consider
adding a cron job to gather more relevant stats every 5 minutes or every

BTW: does asterisk run with real-time priority? try removing it, so at
least asterisk won't hang the whole system. Though I doubt it if this
would help.

> Some of the problems were caused by my old router ...
> since I replaced it, the need to drive the 40 miles
> each way has gone down significantly ... in fact, to
> pretty much zero. So I have time to contemplate my
> options here. :)

You have an extra router there? I recall that there was a kernel patch
to reboot the system upon recieving a specific ICMP packet.

Tzafrir Cohen         | tzafrir at jbr.cohens.org.il | VIM is
http://tzafrir.org.il |                           | a Mutt's  
tzafrir at cohens.org.il |                           |  best
ICQ# 16849755         |                           | friend

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