[Asterisk-Users] MozIAX phone on FC4/Firefox 1.6

Jason Walker desktophero at gmail.com
Wed Jul 27 14:23:03 MST 2005

Thank you for the reply.

You are correct with the version #. I mistyped...

Regarding the network_client...I have checked the services file and there is
no other appl or daemon using 9998. I did add IAX as 4569/tcp to that file
to see "if" that would help. 

After reviewing the output of the command you mention below, the fatal error
is that iaxclient can not initialize. 

Apparently this is required. I must have missed that set of instructions
from the moziax website.

I will attempt to get iaxclient installed - however I was not able to get
that application fully installed before. Make errors abound.

If you have any suggestions, I would appreciate any assistance.

Thank you,


-----Original Message-----
From: Jean-Denis Girard [mailto:jd.girard at sysnux.pf] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 9:31 PM
To: Jason Walker; Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] MozIAX phone on FC4/Firefox 1.6

Jason Walker a écrit :
> Has anyone had any luck with MozIAX (Mozphone) on FC4 with Firefox
> 1.6? jslib and moziax install through Firefox correctly - at least
> that is the message I get.

I guess this is Firefox-1.0.6, or I must have been sleeping to long ;)

> I am able to log into the IAX Phone on Windows, however I get an error
> --------------------------------------------------
> FATAL ERROR: no connection to "network_client".
> MozPhone will stop now!
> --------------------------------------------------
> I am able to connect with the same connection settings on a Windows
> 2000 PC running Firefox 1.6 with MozPhone. Calls are successful in
> that environment.
> Any ideas? 

network_client uses port 9998, maybe there is already a service running 
on that port which prevents network_client from starting. Could you 
start firefox -phone from a console ? You should see some messages like 
the following:

Setting up network input
ProxIAX network_client waiting on port 9998
Client connection...
Greeting client with <Hello CVS-2005/07/03-13:20
 > now...
Connecting....|Looking up asterisk.sysnux.pf

Connecting...|Connecting to asterisk.sysnux.pf
Logging in|Logging in astman '...

I use Mozphone all day long with Firefox-1.0.6 on Mandriva-10.2.

Thanks for using MozPhone,
Jean-Denis Girard

SysNux                  Systèmes Linux en Polynésie française
http://www.sysnux.pf/   Tél: +689 483 527 / GSM: +689 797 527

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