[Asterisk-Users] MozIAX phone on FC4/Firefox 1.6

Jean-Denis Girard jd.girard at sysnux.pf
Tue Jul 26 21:30:59 MST 2005

Jason Walker a écrit :
> Has anyone had any luck with MozIAX (Mozphone) on FC4 with Firefox
> 1.6? jslib and moziax install through Firefox correctly - at least
> that is the message I get.

I guess this is Firefox-1.0.6, or I must have been sleeping to long ;)

> I am able to log into the IAX Phone on Windows, however I get an error stating:
> --------------------------------------------------
> FATAL ERROR: no connection to "network_client".
> MozPhone will stop now!
> --------------------------------------------------
> I am able to connect with the same connection settings on a Windows
> 2000 PC running Firefox 1.6 with MozPhone. Calls are successful in
> that environment.
> Any ideas? 

network_client uses port 9998, maybe there is already a service running 
on that port which prevents network_client from starting. Could you 
start firefox -phone from a console ? You should see some messages like 
the following:

Setting up network input
ProxIAX network_client waiting on port 9998
Client connection...
Greeting client with <Hello CVS-2005/07/03-13:20
 > now...
Connecting....|Looking up asterisk.sysnux.pf

Connecting...|Connecting to asterisk.sysnux.pf
Logging in|Logging in astman '...

I use Mozphone all day long with Firefox-1.0.6 on Mandriva-10.2.

Thanks for using MozPhone,
Jean-Denis Girard

SysNux                  Systèmes Linux en Polynésie française
http://www.sysnux.pf/   Tél: +689 483 527 / GSM: +689 797 527

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