[Asterisk-Users] IAX over HTTP

tim panton tpanton at attglobal.net
Wed Jul 27 10:00:26 MST 2005

On 27 Jul 2005, at 09:53, James Cloos wrote:

>>>>>> "Rob" == Rob Scott <Rob_Scott at epam.com> writes:
> Rob> For work environments where you only get HTTP or HTTPS access,
> Rob> what is the feasibility of doing IAX over HTTP?
> Tunnelling tcp/ip over http/(tls/)?tcp/ip is viable, tunnelling
> rtp/udb/ip or iax/udp/ip over http/(tls/)?tcp/ip however will only
> work reliably if the tcp doesn't see any packet loss.  Else it will
> retransmit lost packets and the voice quality will suck.
> That said, if you can get a http or https socket going you can
> probably also tunnel over dns.  So you may want to look into ip
> over dns/udp/ip tunnels for rtp or iax.
> -JimC
> --  
> James H. Cloos, Jr. <cloos at jhcloos.com> <http://jhcloos.com>

It strikes me that if the apps creating each end of the tunnel were
IAX aware it would probably be possible to mask most of the
bad effects of the TCP channel.

Provided that there was enough bandwidth and the latency was low
it might be possible to do quite a good job over TLS.
TLS ensures that you keep the packet boundaries, which raw TCP

That all pre-supposes that there are no HTTP(S) proxies/accelerators/ 
in the path!

If someone puts a big enough bounty on it I'll have a go - but
I have no need of it myself - so it would need to be pretty big !


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