[Asterisk-Users] IAX over HTTP

James Cloos cloos at jhcloos.com
Wed Jul 27 01:53:15 MST 2005

>>>>> "Rob" == Rob Scott <Rob_Scott at epam.com> writes:

Rob> For work environments where you only get HTTP or HTTPS access,
Rob> what is the feasibility of doing IAX over HTTP?

Tunnelling tcp/ip over http/(tls/)?tcp/ip is viable, tunnelling
rtp/udb/ip or iax/udp/ip over http/(tls/)?tcp/ip however will only
work reliably if the tcp doesn't see any packet loss.  Else it will
retransmit lost packets and the voice quality will suck.

That said, if you can get a http or https socket going you can
probably also tunnel over dns.  So you may want to look into ip
over dns/udp/ip tunnels for rtp or iax.

James H. Cloos, Jr. <cloos at jhcloos.com> <http://jhcloos.com>

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