[Asterisk-Users] getting problem in Picking up the parked call

surendra reddy ysunreddy at gmail.com
Wed Jul 20 07:07:21 MST 2005

Hi all.
  I am trying following scenerio for call park & pickup.
  voice is flowing established between  B & C, after call-pickup ( 
instead of A & B ).
  can anyone please clarify why it is happening like this,  ( or )  do i 
need some more configuration for park&pickup ?
B                                                  C
pressed #, dialed 700
Dialed 701

  I am using the asterisk parkedcalls context in features.conf.

 *features.conf :*
parkext => 700                  ; What ext. to dial to park
parkpos => 701-720              ; What extensions to park calls on
context => parkedcalls          ; Which context parked calls are in
parkingtime => 300              ; Number of seconds a call can be parked for
                                ; (default is 45 seconds)
transferdigittimeout => 3       ; Number of seconds to wait between 
digits when transfering a call
courtesytone = beep             ; Sound file to play to the parked caller
                                ; when someone dials a parked call
xfersound = beep                ; to indicate an attended transfer is 
xferfailsound = beeperr ; to indicate a failed transfer
adsipark = yes                  ; if you want ADSI parking announcements
;findslot => next               ; Continue to the 'next' parking space. 
Defaults to 'first' available
pickupexten = *8                ; Configure the pickup extension.  
Default is *8
featuredigittimeout = 500       ; Max time (ms) between digits for
                                ; feature activation.  Default is 500

blindxfer => #1         ; Blind transfer
disconnect => *0                ; Disconnect
;automon => *1                  ; One Touch Record
atxfer => *2                    ; Attended transfer

And i added *callgroup=1 & pickupgroup=1* for my sip extensions in 
And I add *include => parkedcalls* in *extensions.conf



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