[Asterisk-Users] Re: how to set language in capi

pellegrini at frameweb.it pellegrini at frameweb.it
Wed Jul 6 07:31:04 MST 2005

Ok , I solved by myself

just put

exten => s,1,SetLanguage(it)

in extensions_custom.conf



I am trying to use language=it in asterisk

I downloaded the sound package and installed it

I added

 country=it in indications.conf

language=it in sip.conf

language=it in iax2.conf

everything ok in call from sip and from iax

The problem arises in outside call, coming trom CAPI Trunk

I try language=it in capi.conf: no result: always language=en

I found a german forum, and it seems to be a common problem ( I don't
undertand a lot of german, anyway)
( cfr:  http://www.ip-phone-forum.de/forum/viewtopic.php?t=17639)

I also try  to put
exten => .,1,SetLanguage(it)
in some places, but no result

I am running asterisk 1-0-9

any help will be greatly appreciated


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