[Asterisk-Users] if outgoing call fails with provider 1 then auto try provider 2

Thomas Miller thomasamillergoogle at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 22 19:38:56 MST 2005

When someone teminates a call with my softphone to my
asterisk server i want asterisk to try provider 1
first and if the call does not go through because the
provider is having problems then it will try provider
2 gracefully.

I realize that "the provider is having problems"
statement is hard to descrribe. There could be so many
problems! For example:

1) an account password got changed. 
2) account was accidentally disabled. 
3) network problems of any kind. 
4) "constant busy"(I have heard of this happening
5) "iax2 show peers" show them having a problem.
6) use your imagination, there are lots more

I have searched the wiki and other sources and cannot
find an extensions.conf example that will accomplish
this. If someone can post an exapmle I will add it to
the wiki. I am trying to make things as bulletproof as
possible. Thanks, Tom

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