[Asterisk-Users] CLI color using -r

Gary White (Network Administrator) admin at netpathway.com
Thu Sep 30 12:49:10 MST 2004


This is not really a bug but a question. When starting *, using the -c 
and entering
a running *, using the -r command, you get color text. But, when 
starting  *  with
no option, as I have it automatically do from the rc.init scripts, 
entering *,
with the -r command, * does not have color  text. Why?

Gary White                                  admin at netpathway.com
Network Administrator                           Internet Pathway
105 D East Church Street                     Voice: 601-776-3355
P. O. Box 777                                  Fax: 601-776-2314
Quitman, MS 39355            Registered Linux User Number 198875 

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