[Asterisk-Users] Thank you Mr. Mark Spencer and Asterisk Community Members

Administrator admin at xvoip.com
Thu Sep 23 21:14:42 MST 2004


Today was great day, Asterisk 1.0.0 was released.  
I think today is a time to say Thank You Mark Spencer and thank you 
Asterisk community, so this project is  alive and project is booming and 
growing like crazy. 
It's amazing to have Asterisk with all features and components, it's just 
sometimes unbelivable. 

Let's say Thank You to  Mark, please sign this message with your name and 
comments and we will redirect message to MARK. He deserves this.
He needs to know that we appreciate all his affords and hard work for 
Asterisk. Please put your name and comments, give Asterisk project and 
MArk your FeedBack,  you MUST ! ;-) 

There is no company in the world who is 
able to provide cvs changes at the rate that Mark does when there is 
a problem.  Huge kudos to him and everyone else.

And of course thanks have to go out to the person who decided to make 
Asterisk Open Source.  Without this decision I don't think Asterisk 
would be the software it is today!

Also our greetings to JerJEr, (even he thinks Radius is evil ;-),BKW 
(with all sip/nat dramas  ;-), Twisted, Lenny, Olle, Steve Sokol, Voip-
info.org, Wsuff, etc. 

Matt (www.sineapps.com/news.php) aka ZX81 - Asterisk Unofficial Daily 
News and Alexander aka Stealth_MAn (http://asterisk.xvoip.com)

Once again, please say and post your comments for Mark and our Asterisk 
Community. Congratulations to all of us !
Also we have Astericon, thanks to Steve and Olle who organized it. 

Matt (www.sineapps.com/news.php) aka ZX81 - Asterisk Unofficial Daily 
News and 
Alexander(http://asterisk.xvoip.com) aka Stealth_Man 

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