[Asterisk-Users] threeway calling

Jon Lawrence jon at lawrence.org.uk
Thu Dec 2 15:41:29 MST 2004

On Thursday 02 December 2004 16:20, M. Smadi wrote:
> any idea on how we can setup threeway calling in *

I was going just link to wiki but I couldn't find it - it must be there or on 
the mailing list, there's no way I learnt how to do this myself.
But I couldn't find it so here you are:

1) ensure that your extension is allowed to transfer calls.
2) ring callee A
3) place callee A on hold (ie flash)
4) call callee B
5) when callee B answers press flash and you're in a 3 way call.

It's the same as an attended transfer but without you hanging up 


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