[Asterisk-Users] Re: VoIP Dropouts

Cees de Groot cg at tric.nl
Wed Dec 17 15:26:47 MST 2003

Steven Critchfield  <asterisk-users at lists.digium.com> said:
>While traceroute is often a good tool, a good number of routers have
>been programmed to give ping replies the lowest level of priority. This
>will result in certain hops seeming to be experiencing large congestion
>while hops after it experience lower round trips. 
I'm not sure whether this is the case with you, but it is a common
misconception that traceroute uses 'ping', or more correctly ICMP. It
does not - it uses UDP, and you can set the UDP port to use to match
that of your application (IAX, SIP) so that routers are likely to react
exactly the same as with 'real' data.

(Having said that, there are enough problems left with traceroute, like
routes that aren't the same in both directions, etcetera).

Cees de Groot               http://www.tric.nl     <cg at tric.nl>
tric, the new way           helpdesk/ticketing software, VoIP/CTI, 
                            web applications, custom development

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