[asterisk-r2] Elastix 2 with Sangoma A104, A101 cards

Raúl Torres Duque Vázquez Aldana rtorresduque at finantek.com
Thu Dec 9 16:42:46 CST 2010

FYI, I did as suggested but the parameter mfcr2_media_on_accept=yes did not
have any effect; what really seemed to do the job was on the sip channels. I
googled for some help on the mfcr2 parameter and couldn’t find anything
useful but I came across the differences in Asterisk 1.6.2 and I ended up





to sip_general custom.conf, reload sip and voilá, I started hearing the
early media in the Axtel trunks; the above combination was the only one that
worked but I didn’t have such luck in the Telmex trunk; the difference,
though with this one is that when you’re supposed to get early media, phone
keeps ringing until you get the “All circuits busy” prompt and get
disconnected; this is true for Telmex voicemail (and I’m assuming
disconnected or unreachable numbers) as well as any early media in cell


The configuration is the same on both Axtel and Telmex trunks so I really
don’t know where to put my finger on.




Raúl Torres Duque


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