[asterisk-dev] Another *8 deadlock :(

Gregory Nietsky gregnietsky at gmail.com
Fri Jun 3 00:28:49 CDT 2011

On 02/06/2011 20:26, Steve Davies wrote:
> On 2 June 2011 17:43, Gregory Nietsky<gregnietsky at gmail.com>  wrote:
> That looks like a 1.8 upwards patch as you are ao2 locking channels,
> but a solution for pre-1.8 cannot do that as channels and the channel
> list are not ao2 objects (or are they?)
> I am considering scheduling the channel destruction for after the
> masquerade as an alternative to risky unlock and re-lock blocks.
Steve indeed its from 1.8 similar logic applies for < 1.8 have found 
with sip pickups
in pre 1.8 mostly there deadlocks at times where pvt/chan can be locked 
in wrong order
and there is a big problem with statechange [hints].

oh and thx for the cold weather you exported up north...


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