[asterisk-dev] RE: [asterisk-biz] looking for Wifi Ip Phones

Steve Kennedy steve-asterisk at gbnet.net
Thu Sep 14 09:58:56 MST 2006

On Thu, Sep 14, 2006 at 10:58:57AM -0400, Matthew Rubenstein wrote:

> 	Samsung is testing in Denmark UMA/GAN phones roaming between WiFi and
> GSM: http://www.thelocal.se/article.php?ID=4718 . Nokia's WiFi/GSM
> phones ( http://www.voip-news.com/news/nokia-singtel-voip-wifi-090506/ )
> don't necessarily roam between network types. That UMA/GAN is the key to
> using a phone like a regular mobile phone, which is of course the key to
> success in the general market.

The UMA spec is freely published and anyone can implement a UMA
solution, however the networks (definately in the UK) don't have to do
the back-end stuff, as it potentially loses them revenue.

Unfortunately UMA relies on operator co-operation, which is unlikely to


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