[Asterisk-Dev] stable/feature freeze?

C. Maj cmaj-SPAM at freedomcorpse.com
Wed May 18 08:57:06 MST 2005

On Wed, 18 May 2005, Russell Bryant waxed:

> Jeremy McNamara wrote:
> > For once RoyK and me agree on something - I was quite annoyed when I
> > found out that the new branch of code was called 'stable' when it is
> > really just a point in time that was decided that nothing major would be
> > done to that tree and hopefully someday it would become 'stable'.
> If I knew a way to make everyone stop referring to it as the "stable"
> branch and just refer to it as the "1.0" branch, then I would happily do
> it.  I agree that "stable" is a bad name, and it just causes stress for
> me.  I maintain the branch on my own, and pretty much the only time
> anyone talks to me about it is when they want to complain about their
> specific problem and want to know why it was a problem in the first
> place, and then why it wasn't fixed yesterday.
> Russell

You could come up with some clever names like Debian does
for 'woody', 'sarge', 'sid' (stable,testing,unstable), so
maybe for asterisk 'masterflash', 'starlight', 'dogpound',
etc.  Regardless, nice work on going thru bug after bug and
marking whether the patch gets applied to 1.0, especially
since most people are only writing patches against head.


Chris Maj, Rochester
Pronunciation Guide: Maj == May

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