[Asterisk-Dev] Re: FYI: RPM

Greg Boehnlein damin at nacs.net
Wed Mar 30 18:48:13 MST 2005

On Wed, 30 Mar 2005, Kenneth Porter wrote:

> --On Wednesday, March 30, 2005 8:39 PM +0000 Tony Mountifield 
> <tony at softins.clara.co.uk> wrote:
> > AIUI, Asterisk will indeed build without libpri or zaptel installed, BUT
> > it will omit the parts that depend on them, e.g. MeetMe, PRI support, IAX
> > trunking, etc.
> Ok, that explains why I had success building it.
> > You should probably have two different builds: one as described above,
> > called something like asterisk-nozap, and one built with libpri and zaptel
> > available, specifying them as prereqs.
> rpmbuild will auto-generate dependencies when the package is built, so if 
> it's built with libpri and zaptel and dynamic libraries from those packages 
> are needed, the resulting binary RPM won't install without them.
> I'll leave it to others to build binaries. I always download a source RPM 
> when available and rebuild it myself to "fit" it to my system. I'm one of 
> those who prefer to build from source but I still want the installed files 
> tracked by the RPM database.

I'll do the Binary Builds for RedHat 7.3, 9.0 and TaoLinux/WhiteBox once 
you are finished w/ your SRPM.

Per the discussion, best to just keep the PreReqs in there.

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