[Asterisk-Dev] Re: FYI: RPM

Kenneth Porter shiva at sewingwitch.com
Wed Mar 30 14:37:16 MST 2005

--On Wednesday, March 30, 2005 8:39 PM +0000 Tony Mountifield 
<tony at softins.clara.co.uk> wrote:

> AIUI, Asterisk will indeed build without libpri or zaptel installed, BUT
> it will omit the parts that depend on them, e.g. MeetMe, PRI support, IAX
> trunking, etc.

Ok, that explains why I had success building it.

> You should probably have two different builds: one as described above,
> called something like asterisk-nozap, and one built with libpri and zaptel
> available, specifying them as prereqs.

rpmbuild will auto-generate dependencies when the package is built, so if 
it's built with libpri and zaptel and dynamic libraries from those packages 
are needed, the resulting binary RPM won't install without them.

I'll leave it to others to build binaries. I always download a source RPM 
when available and rebuild it myself to "fit" it to my system. I'm one of 
those who prefer to build from source but I still want the installed files 
tracked by the RPM database.

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