[Asterisk-Dev] cvs-head July 11 - Hung, no errors

Kevin P. Fleming kpfleming at digium.com
Tue Jul 12 09:11:19 MST 2005

Rich Adamson wrote:

> The incoming call on zap/4 did _not_ ring the sip phones shown.
> The above should have shown about 19 sip peers and 3 iax2 registry 
> entries. 

We have seen a similar problem on our PBX since the new devicestate 
stuff went in over the weekend, but have not been able to reproduce it. 
If you can, and get a trace of the deadlocked process, that would be 
most helpful. Catch me on IRC if you need assistance.

> Also, show version indicates:
> Asterisk CVS-HEAD built by root at phoenix on a i686 running Linux on 2005-07-11 
> 12:48:40
> while the compile was actually done at:
> -rw-r--r--   1 root root    5196 Jul 11 07:49 ulaw.o
> In other words, the clock time shown in show version is totally
> unrelated to compile time, asterisk start time, or any other time
> that I've been able to recognize. (No big deal, but no value.)

You are in GMT-5, I'd bet :-) The 'show version' output is in GMT.

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