[Asterisk-Dev] MFC/R2 - Brazil

daniel at bichara.com.br daniel at bichara.com.br
Tue Oct 5 00:40:51 MST 2004

Hi Steve,

I made some tests with new libmfcr2 and libunicall and now I can replicate my 
dialing out problem using UniCall / R2. Here we go:

1) When my user calls my * box he gets a dial tone, my extension.conf look like 

exten => s,1,Playtones(dial)
exten => 1,1,Goto(calldaniel,s,1)
exten => 2,1,Goto(assist,1,1)
exten => 3,1,Goto(assist,3,1)
exten => s,1,StopPlaytones
exten => s,2,Dial(UniCall/g1/5555555)

2) In this case, when I press 1 (calldaniel), dumping R2 tx and rx signals, I 
noticed it could not dial (can go beyond seaze line);

Now, if I remove Playtones(dial) and StopPlaytones instructions, everything 
works fine.

I repeated the test 10 times to be sure.

I hope this helps.

Thanks in advance,


Bichara Tecnologia - Hospedagem de Sites 

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