FW: [Dundi] DUNDi popularity

Florian Overkamp florian at speakup.nl
Thu Oct 12 12:03:49 MST 2006

Jim Dalton wrote:
>>   Because DUNDi does not solve the simple problem of who is 
>> authoritative for which numbers.

No, this is left to lawfull setup, which is why it is covered in the GPA 
used for Dundi's e164 context.

> If this shortcoming were solved, would DUNDi make sense for a public
> network?

If a binding contract covers the obligation, and you are in a ring of 
trust, do you require technical coverage of the issue as well ?

With ENUM the same problem arises, only it is left to the delegating 
authority to check. How and even if this is done is highly dependant on 
which destination and which root-zone you are using.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Florian Overkamp
SpeakUp BV
T: 088-SPEAKUP (088-7732587)
T: 053-4305842

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