[Dundi] DUNDI for inter carrier exchange

Florian Overkamp florian at speakup.nl
Sat Jul 22 07:41:59 MST 2006

Hi Simon,

Simon Woodhead wrote:
> It strikes me that this would really give the system traction and cause 
> the kind of disruption to the traditional marketplace that is long 
> overdue and ultimately benefiting the consumer.

Actually, for many service providers the ratio between inbound and 
outbound traffic would cause the sums to be paid and received to be 
around identical. This is why peering on a non-charge bilateral basis is 
good. The reason why its disruptive is because with peering there are 
much lower costs involved in getting it set up, allowing smaller players 
to enter the field.

Your point about premium rate type services is valid ofcourse: Peering 
in the traditional sense kills the billing model in that scenario. Is 
that a bad thing ?

> PS - We'd be happy to make UK toll-free available as well as publish our 
> own voip terminating numbers if a local peer could contact me off-list.

We'd be happy to start you up with a GPA.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Florian Overkamp
SpeakUp BV
T: 088-SPEAKUP (088-7732587)
T: 053-4305842

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