[Dundi] number assignement

Florian Overkamp florian at speakup.nl
Thu Oct 21 01:55:26 CDT 2004


> -----Original Message-----
> If this is the only way to establish numbers, it doesn't 
> really solve this problem:
> == snip ==
> 2. ENUM requires some entity to provide the service of 
> managing the root ENUM domain (e.g. e164.arpa) and requires 
> authorities for each delegation (e.g. a single entity must be 
> responsible for and provide any delegations 
> thereof). This entity is free to impose a charge, tax, etc 
> for this service and everyone is dependent upon how well this 
> entity runs the service.
> == snip ==
> Because in this case, you are still at the mercy of some 
> monopoly to administer to you an ITU plan number.  (yes, you 
> can then create as many suffixes as you want with your 
> scheme, for no additional cost, but the same would be true if 
> you had assigned to you..
> (sorry if I've been playing devil's advocate here)..

Not nessecarily a monopoly. In the case of the netherlands, there is a
government body (OPTA) that assigns numbers. Remember, the idea behind DUNDi
is discovering routes that would otherwise be passed over PSTN. In the case
of nonexistent PSTN numbering, that thought goes overboard. Which does not
mean its not a valid use, but its not what its designed for in my scope.

Best regards,

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