[Asterisk-video] video obd call |h324m gw

pankaj pandey pankaj.niet at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 24 02:05:02 CST 2011

Hi everyone,


My first scenario 

3G phone -> asterisk(h324m gw)->sip

Is working fine.


when I try a video OBD from sip


SIP -> asterisk(h324m gw)-> 3G phone


Video OBD call is originated at 3G phone end and it
is shows as video call, but when I picking the call it shows an “Unknown Error”
and call cut with  hangup request,
cause 16..


below is the dial-plan and cli log.



suggest the way forward...





exten => 



exten => 

exten => 

exten => 

exten => 

exten => 



- Executing [93xxxxxxxx at 3G:1]
h324m_call("SIP/100-096dc4a0", "93xxxxxxxx at 3Gout") in new

    -- Executing [93xxxxxxxx at 3Gout:1]
Set("Local/93xxxxxxxx at 3Gout-ad7c,2",
"CHANNEL(transfercapability)=VIDEO") in new stack

    -- Executing [93xxxxxxxx at 3Gout:2]
NoOp("Local/93xxxxxxxx at 3Gout-ad7c,2", "transfer=VIDEO") in
new stack

    -- Executing [93xxxxxxxx at 3Gout:3]
Set("Local/93xxxxxxxx at 3Gout-ad7c,2",
"CHANNEL(userinformationlayer1)=38") in new stack

    -- Executing [93xxxxxxxx at 3Gout:4]
NoOp("Local/93xxxxxxxx at 3Gout-ad7c,2", "ul1=38") in new

    -- Executing [93xxxxxxxx at 3Gout:5]
Dial("Local/93xxxxxxxx at 3Gout-ad7c,2", "ZAP/g1/93xxxxxxxx")
in new stack

    -- digital call,
setting user information layer 1 to 38 (0x26)

    -- Requested
transfer capability: 0x18 - VIDEO

    -- Called g1/93xxxxxxxx

    -- Zap/1-1 is
proceeding passing it to Local/93xxxxxxxx at 3Gout-ad7c,2

    -- Zap/1-1 is
making progress passing it to Local/93xxxxxxxx at 3Gout-ad7c,2

    -- Zap/1-1 is

    -- Zap/1-1
answered Local/93xxxxxxxx at 3Gout-ad7c,2

  == Spawn extension
(3Gout, 93xxxxxxxx, 5) exited non-zero on 'Local/93xxxxxxxx at 3Gout-ad7c,2'

    -- Channel 0/1,
span 1 got hangup request, cause 16

    -- Hungup



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