[Asterisk-video] Video bandwidth consumption

Salvatore Frandina salvatore.frandina at gmail.com
Sat Mar 13 14:36:49 CST 2010

Hi Sergio,

Yes, I know the vb parameter can set the video bandwidth but it doesn't
work. If I change vb then I capture the packets from Wireshark the total
video bandwidth doesn't change. I think that there is a problem with VLC.
My question: is if possible that a video of 1.25 Mbits without compression
will reduced to 350 Kbits mean value with a peaks of 500 Kbits (H263p
codec)?I think that value is too high...

The video bandwidth of eyebeam, bria or ekiga is lower than VLC although the
softphones send animated video.

Salvatore Frandina
website: http://frandinas.altervista.org
mail: salvatore.frandina at gmail.com

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