[Asterisk-video] h324m and SIP

Klaus Darilion klaus.mailinglists at pernau.at
Fri Jan 11 05:30:19 CST 2008

Sergio Garcia Murillo schrieb:
> Simple way?
> Bigger video, smaller audio.. :)

Shouldn't there be 4 media files? for both directions?

> How to enable media dumps? I have enabled h324m debug with "h324m debug 
> level 9".
> ---Sr-x--T 1 root root  541760 2008-01-11 11:53 h223_in_825ea28.raw
> ---Sr-x--T 1 root root  541760 2008-01-11 11:53 h223_out_825ea28.raw
> ------S--T 1 root root 3588948 2008-01-11 11:53 h245_825e600.log
> --w-r-S--- 1 root root 3588948 2008-01-11 11:53 h245_out_825e4b0.log

why do have h245 logs a different identifier - wouldn't it be good to 
have consistent naming?


> -r-Sr-x--- 1 root root  207868 2008-01-11 11:53 media_8245938.raw
> -r----S--T 1 root root   82832 2008-01-11 11:53 media_8267700.raw
> what is h263 and what is AMR?
> thanks
> klaus
>> BR
>> Sergio
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Klaus Darilion [mailto:klaus.mailinglists at pernau.at]
>> To: asterisk-video at lists.digium.com
>> Sent: Fri, 11 Jan 2008 10:57:15 +0100
>> Subject: Re: [Asterisk-video] h324m and SIP
>> Sergio Garcia Murillo schrieb:
>>> Hi Klaus,
>>> Video from eyebean to 3G is never going to work directly, the bandwith it send is just too high, 
>>> you should use app_transcoder to fix it.
>> With rev172 even SIP->3G video works fine.
>> How to use the app_transcoder? Can you give me an example which should work?
>>> I had no problems with amr conversion at all, is 3g to sip audio working fine?
>> Yes. 3g-->SIP audio is working fine.
>>> Could you try stopping video to see if audio get's better?
>> No difference.
>>> In the multiplexing h245 and audio should have priority over video.
>> Can I see somewhere in the log files if some buffer gets to big and 
>> frames get  dropped?
>> thanks
>> klaus
>>> BR
>>> Sergio
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: Klaus Darilion [mailto:klaus.mailinglists at pernau.at]
>>> To: asterisk-video at lists.digium.com
>>> Sent: Fri, 11 Jan 2008 10:22:51 +0100
>>> Subject: [spam]Re: [Asterisk-video] h324m and SIP
>>> Thanks for all your input: Meanwhile I have manged to run Asterisk 
>>> 1.4.17 and rev207.
>>> I test the h324m application bridging to SIP.
>>> My experiences:
>>> 3G-->h324m_gw---SIP+GSM--->Cisco-gw--->ISDN: audio is fine
>>> 3G-->h324m_gw---SIP+GSM--->eyebeam: audio SIP->3G has drop outs
>>> 3G-->h324m_gw---SIP+G711-->eyebeam: audio SIP->3G has many drop outs
>>> Here I suspect maybe some issues with bad conversion to AMR inside 
>>> Asterisk. What results do you have?
>>> Video:
>>> Video from 3G to SIP is working fine (eyebeam).
>>> Video from SIP to 3G is bad - most of the picture is just black. Here I 
>>> suspect maybe a problem if the bandwidth of the video received from SIP 
>>> is to big to fit into the H223 channel.
>>> Sergio - how is multiplexing between Audio and Video handled - das Audio 
>>> have fixed bandwidth or my too big video bandwidth also disturb audio?
>>> Are there somewhere bandwidth statistics in log files from h324m_gw or 
>>> libh324m?
>>> thanks
>>> klaus
>>> Klaus Darilion schrieb:
>>>> Hi!
>>>> Last time I tested h324m_gw with SIP clients audio and video worked fine 
>>>> in both directions (xlite+nokia 6630). This was done with Asterisk 1.4.8 
>>>> and fontventa rev163.
>>>> Now I tried with Asterisk 1.4.17 and fontventa rev207 and audio does not 
>>>> work and video works only from 3G to SIP.
>>>> Using Asterisk 1.4.17 with fontventa rev163 makes video working fine 
>>>> again, but Audio is still broken.
>>>> Thus since Asterisk 1.4.8 something has changed that makes AMR 
>>>> conversion broken and since fontventa rev. 163 something has changed 
>>>> that makes video from SIP->3G broken.
>>>> Now, I want to find out why current versions do not work. Thus, I would 
>>>> be happy if you could tell me which version you use successfully to 
>>>> track down the problem.
>>>> thanks
>>>> Klaus
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