[Asterisk-video] Video encoder options

Sergio Garcia sergio.garcia at fontventa.com
Wed Sep 26 10:24:17 CDT 2007

They seem so, I would recomend small values so the rtp streams are fluid.. no more than 2 amr packets per rtp frame and video samples of 512 would be ok.


---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Klaus Darilion <klaus.mailinglists at pernau.at>
Reply-To: Development discussion of video media support in Asterisk<asterisk-video at lists.digium.com>
Date:  Wed, 26 Sep 2007 17:15:16 +0200

>Sound like this are options for the hint tracks, not for the media tracks.
>I think mp4creator puts 10 AMR frames into one RTP packet.
>Thomas Frieling schrieb:
>> The parameters come from Apple's FinalCut (Compressor). But I think they
>> also exist in Real's Helix Mobile Producer.
>> So you think those options do not affect the video quality at all?
>> Thomas F
>> Am Mittwoch, den 26.09.2007, 14:49 +0200 schrieb Sergio Garcia:
>>> Where does thoes parameters come from??
>>> The rtp packet size has small effect on the videocall, as everything is unp=
>>> acketized and
>>> split to fit in small chunks to be sent to the mobile phone. It can inpact =
>>> on the delay
>>> and perhaps a small amount in cpu load.
>>> BR
>>> Sergio 
>>> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
>>> From: Thomas Frieling <thomas.frieling at viif.de>
>>> Reply-To: Development discussion of video media support in Asterisk<asterisk-video at lists.digium.com>
>>> Date:  Wed, 26 Sep 2007 14:34:24 +0200
>>>> Hi all!
>>>> Does anyone know which values for "max packet size" and "max packet
>>>> duration" are optimal for 3G video calls? What exactly do these options
>>>> affect?
>>>> The default is:
>>>> max packet size: 1450 (512|1024|1450|1466)
>>>> max packet duration: 100msec (20|30|50|100|200|500)
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Thomas
>>>> -- 
>>>> www.ViiF.de - your Mobile Video Community
>>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>>> Thomas Frieling - System Architect
>>>> ViiF Mobile Video GmbH, Poststr. 21-22, 10178 Berlin 
>>>> Cell: +49 (0) 173 63 62 62 3
>>>> Fax: +49 30 22 50 50 63 9
>>>> E-Mail: thomas at ViiF.de
>>>> Sitz: Berlin, Amtgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg, HRB: 108350B
>>>> Geschäftsführer: Daniel Höpfner, Steffen Brünn
>>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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