No subject

Thu Jul 12 09:23:04 CDT 2007

that make it different form audio ivr is that there is not a easy way
of creating dinamic content (like tts with festival for example). So
if you want to display something as simple as the message list in a
video mail is quite hard. That point is the one that I wanted to address
with the gnash application so you could display a flash player that
you could populate with dinamyc xml data.

>Also Howto run MCU service ? Is it something like a app server which 
>runs on any specific port ? (i didnt find any binary, all that i could 
>find were the shared / static libraries in the build directory)

If you do a make in the top directory there should be a bin/debug/mcu 

>mcuWeb is it a Java application that needs to be deployed on a Tomcat box ?

mcuWeb is a sip/http servlet convergent application to be used with the
open source sailfin sip servlet container

It provides a SIP/HTTP interface that is able to handle the sip invites 
comming from asterisk and handle all the conference management (also via
web) and interact via xml rpc calls with the media mixer component (mcu).

If you need any furhter info just ask.


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