[Asterisk-video] sip/iax2 h.264 video?

Mihai Balea mihai at hates.ms
Mon Dec 18 20:41:55 MST 2006

> It's broken for all codecs?  That's not good.  My employers have had a
> change of heart and decided that maybe another codec like h.263  
> would be
> a safer choice, so I was just about to give that a try..
It's not a matter of which codec as much as a matter of codec  
negotiation.  the IAX2 protocol was designed to negotiate only one  
codec at a time.  With video, you need to negotiate two codecs in  
parallel (one for video and one for audio).  I posted more details  
about it on this list, you can look for it in the archives.

Bottom line is IAX2 needs changes to support video codec negotiation  
in parallel to audio.  There are several ways of doing it - I  
modified Asterisk in the simplest, "let's change as little as we can"  
way as possible.  I don't think it's the best way, but it works for  
us and I'm not going to change it until the community decides which  
way it wants to go.

> Thanks for all the work on iaxclient, it's at least making my life
> easier! :)
Glad you find it useful. Please let me know how it goes, we could use  
all the feedback we can get.


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