[asterisk-users] E-Mail notification for each received call

Administrator admin at tootai.net
Sat Mar 28 07:30:23 CDT 2020

Le 27/03/2020 à 20:19, Kai Herlemann a écrit :
> Hi Daniel,
> Am 27.03.20 um 09:24 schrieb Administrator:
>> Hangup is h extension. your macro will never be executed. Solution:
>> same = n,Dial(whatever)
>> same = n,[...])
>> same = n,Hangup
>> exten  = h,1,1,DumpChan()
>>   same = n,System(/home/asterisk/bash_test)
> I don't really understand your code…
> I think I don't have to edit the first part of the conf file (" same =
> n,Dial(whatever) "), you just mean the second part of the code is
> executed by "n,Hangup"?

Yes. h exetnsion is executed when call is hanged up


> Then I have to add the second part to extensions_custom.conf, context
> [macro-hangupcall-custom]? (I cannot edit extensions_additional.conf
> where're the other settings/it doesn't make sense, because FreePBX
> overwrites it.)

Don't knowFreePBX and I don't have your diaplan. You can't put the exten 
= h stanza in a macro as a called macro always start with s,1,blabla

You have another solution which is to add the call to System before the 
dial if it's easier for you.

> Probably you mean h,1,DumpChan() instead of h,1,1,DumpChan()?
Yes, sorry, typo.
> last line: same → same code like in the upper line up to "h", so it's
> "exten  = h,…"?
No, same is an asterisk dialplan cmd. As you don't seems to know it 
forget about and use exten = h,n,...


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