[asterisk-users] [OT] Are anonymous international calls allowed ?

Administrator TOOTAI admin at tootai.net
Thu Jan 17 04:33:45 CST 2019

Le 17/01/2019 à 10:38, Olivier a écrit :
> Hello,


> These questions crossed my mind this morning :
> In general, are anonymous international calls allowed (ie calling from 
> one country to a number in an other country while hiding your own caller 
> id) ?
> Are there special rules in Europe for this ?

Please define an anonymous call ? Is it <anonymous anonymous> as CID ?

Rules are provider specific: some let's you change your CID other not 
(remember Freephonie in France, they didn't allow changing CID). I know 
other providers -especially in the UK- who are changing the CID if the 
caller has an CID which is not a UK one and the call is going abroad.

In Europe, most countries are asking to have an address in the country. 
France is asking but not checking. Germany and Italy are checking the 
postal address you gave.

Anyway, Anonymous can be a name, people not speaking English will not 
know what it means. And for the number, I think putting something like 
0123456 could be enough, so far I tested, nobody is asking you to put 
the number is international format. Even, some Telco replace your DID 
with the one you have by them in national format doesn't matter if 
you're calling abroad !


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