[asterisk-users] Taskprocessors

Freddi Hansen fh at danovation.dk
Sun May 1 15:45:01 CDT 2016

Trying to move traffic from one of our asterisk gateways using 11.21 to 
a newly installed using 13.8.0/13.9.0-rc1.

After half an hour with peers just registering and no calls the 'core 
show taskprocessors' shows between 4500 and 5000 processors.

the ones that there are a lot of is

subp:SIP/<peername>   2  0   2

Doesn't look right to me that there should be so many 'hanging/waiting'

using Centos 7 / and sippers are via odbc.

Initialy I had a lot of subm:...  hanging and these processors would 
take 5 seconds to repond to a ping and jobs in their input queue would 
newer be finished.
That problem did disappear when sippeers was updated with 

Can someone give me a hint, I have installed a lot of asterisk systems 
but never stumpled upon this before.


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