[asterisk-users] Queue grouping - how can it be implemented?

John Kiniston johnkiniston at gmail.com
Wed Jun 15 10:57:23 CDT 2016

Use Local Channels and hints to combine SIP/MOM and SIP/MOMMobile into a
single extension you add to the queue.


exten => MOM,1,Dial(SIP/MOM&SIP/MOMMOBILE,60,tkw)

exten => DAD,1,Dial(SIP/DAD&SIP/DADMOBILE,60,tkw)
member => LOCAL/MOM at queue-phones,0,MOM,hint:MOM at queue-phones
member => LOCAL/DAD at queue-phones,0,Dad,hint:DAD at queue-phones

On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 1:27 AM, Sebastian Nielsen <sebastian at sebbe.eu>

> I have a Asterisk set up. In this, I want to use queues.
> Now I want to group ”agents” into groups, such as so if one phone in a
> group is busy, the whole group is considered busy.
> Eg:
> Group1:
> SIP/Dad
> SIP/DadsMobile
> Group2:
> SIP/Mom
> SIP/MomsMobile
> If there is three persons in queue, then, then, first, all 4 phones should
> ring. Now lets say Mom takes the call via the Mobile.
> Now, for the next call in queue, only Dad and DadsMobile should ring. He
> picks up the call via the home phone.
> Now, even if SIP/Mom and SIP/DadsMobile is vacant, both groups should be
> considered busy, and the third person in queue, has to wait in queue until
> either SIP/MomsMobile or SIP/Dad is complete with the call.
> How can this be implemented? Can it be implemented with the standard Queue
> application through advanced dialplan programming or does it need something
> completely custom?
> --
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