[asterisk-users] Recorded reminders

Anselm Martin Hoffmeister anselm at hoffmeister-online.de
Sun Jan 13 03:52:06 CST 2013

Am 13.01.2013 03:17, schrieb Adolphus Enaboifo:
> Hi List Members ,
> its been about one months since I built my first Asterisk server.
> What I want to know is: are there ways to make Asterisk take recorded
> reminders.
> This is the scenario I have in mind.
> 1 You place a call to a specific extension say 350.
> 2 On recognizing the incoming extension the reminder application at
> extension 350 prompts you to enter a number say 1 to record a message to
> your profile as well as input the time       when the application will
> call you to playback the message.
> 3 or enter another number say 0 to playback all your recorded reminders
> in your profile.with options to add to the list or delete from the list.
> and of course there will be a limit on the amount of messages per user.
> Please if such applications exist can you guys show me how to configure it.

Hi Adolphus,

this sounds like something that a little scripting + call files can do. 
There may be better ways (and others may point those out in a flash), 
but this is what springs to my mind:

- Have one directory for recorded audio for each user. Name audio files
   for their "target time", like 201301131500.wav
- When someone calls "350" and presses "1", check the number of files in
   that directory. If more than MAXMSGS, deny.
- If there is already a recording for the target time, deny.
- Else prompt for target day (today, tomorrow...) and time. If a file
   for that date/time exists, deny.
- Record file, move to the right directory
- Create a call file on the same filesystem as the "spool" directory
- "touch" it for the target date/time and move into call files directory

You'd need some nice scripting later on to handle that outgoing call.
If the messages is read (and possibly acknowledged by pressing "1" or
the like), the sound file should be deleted.

If either the call fails or the acknowledgement is not given, the
sound file should be re-named to a new time (say, one hour later)
and a new call file generated.

A few things that also should be thought about:
- To not have endless reminder calls over and over, you could have
   a "failed delivery counter" per user - once that reaches a
   certain threshold, say 5, the reminders can be emailed to the
   user and deleted from the spool. You can reset that counter if
   the counter file has a change date older than 2 days with a
   cronjob - so if no failed deliveries happen within 3 days or so,
   they will be activated again. Make sure the user is informed
   about this problem iff a file exists when he calls in to
   record a new message.
- Do sane error checking. When the call file is fired and fails to
   find the "wav" file it expects, this should not trigger another
   call. Perhaps an email.... avoid endless loops.
- It might be a good idea to have a variation in the "touch" to
   the call file such that the expected time is only precise in
   minutes. Like add a random number of seconds in the range
   (0...50, or even -180 to 180 if precision is not essential).
   Be sure to document that or users might complain that the
   telephone system clock is not space-age-precise (Lusers!)
   This should get around everyone wanting to be reminded of
   going home in time for the soccer match, and everyone typing in
   a reminder time of "1630".
- You should monitor usage; there can be still quite a lot of
   calls to interesting times. Same problem that automatic window
   blinds have: If everyone sets the DCF controlled clock to open
   the shutters at 8:00 precisely, the start current of possibly
   many motors may be _noticeable_ for the power company. That is
   why those devices do not have and do not need clocks with ultra-
   high precision - some even vary the morning/evening action
   time by several minutes on purpose.


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