[asterisk-users] Unable to load users.conf

Steve Edwards asterisk.org at sedwards.com
Thu Oct 18 00:08:10 CDT 2012

On Thu, 18 Oct 2012, Rizha Yuherdianto wrote:

> 0) if its just a warning, how to get it fixed?

It doesn't really need to. A 'warning' is like saying "here's something 
you should be aware of."

Personally, I prefer to resolve all warnings so there is less cruft to 
sift through when something actually does go wrong.

> 1) checked, it is not exist. is it exist by default?

I don't know about your version of Asterisk.

> 2) what directory it should be?

Unless you (or your package maintainer) has been fiddling about, it should 
be in the same directory as all of your other Asterisk configuration 
files: sip.conf, iax.conf, extensions.[conf|ael], etc.

> 3) im root

Glad to meet you.

If you meant the user running Asterisk is root, this is a less than 
optimal situation that can lead to really big problems.

> 4) the file doesn't exist

At a minimum, 'touch /etc/asterisk/users.conf' may make the warning go 
away. You should read up a bit to see if the features of users.conf make 
sense for your environment.

Personally, I set up my Asterisk installs so they only load the modules 
I'm actually using by specifying 'autoload=no' and explicitly loading the 
modules I want in modules.conf.

Thanks in advance,
Steve Edwards       sedwards at sedwards.com      Voice: +1-760-468-3867 PST
Newline                                              Fax: +1-760-731-3000

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