[asterisk-users] Reliable SIP Trunk Provider

Ron Bergin rkb at i.frys.com
Thu Mar 15 11:43:23 CDT 2012

Jake Wicke wrote:
> I'm wondering if any other Asterisk users have a recommendation for a
> reliable SIP Trunk provider that supports Asterisk and offers decent
> support.
> I've worked with Coredial, Broadvox, and Broadvoice and have had some bad
> experiences with each of these providers.

I'm going to assume that you're in the US, since those 3 providers are all
based here.

I can highly recommend XO Communications. http://www.xo.com/

We currently have 35 SIP trunks with them and will be adding more.  Our
corp office is on a DS3 SIP trunk with 500 DID's and our stores are on a
T1 SIP trunk with 100 DID's.

They have several levels of support.  We use their upper level support
called SNA (I forget what it stands for), which gives us direct access to
their upper level engineers when needed.  Their front line support people
that I deal with are very good and may be VoIP engineers themselves.

Ron Bergin
Network Operations Administrator
Fry's Electronics Inc.

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