[asterisk-users] FreePBX: using context other than the default context and the generation for the configuration

bilal ghayyad bilmar_gh at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 5 17:20:00 CDT 2012

Hi All;

If I set a context other than the default context, then I do not see a generation for a configuration in the extensions_additional.conf for this context, but always the generation for the configuration is for the default  context (from-internal).

Normally, I have to put some Phones in a context and another Phones in a context, and give each context a privilages, but if I do this, then I have to write the configuration in my hand and it will not be autogeneration, correct? 

In this case, the Phone will not have any of the features that I am going to add it in the GUI because these features will be in the default context which is not included (unless I add it manually) in the context that I will set it.

Also, if I set the context and I write manually the configuration for this context, I do not think that I will have CDR (because to have CDR, I have to use some configuration to log in the database and becoming able to see it in the CDR).

Again, if I used the default context, then it is good that all the stations to have the same context and same previlages .. so it is not a practical way.

So, what is the solution for this? 

As I see the only benifit of the Freepbx (the GUI), is to generate the configuration that I can use it when I am writing the manual configuration (by including it and so on). In this case, I am afraid that things will become maybe more complex :) !! Any advise for this?


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