[asterisk-users] One leg in a conference and adjusting stream volume of other leg

Markus universe at truemetal.org
Mon Aug 27 13:55:08 CDT 2012

Hi Matthew,

Am 27.08.2012 20:08, schrieb Matthew Jordan:
>>> You can use ConfBridge's DTMF menus to allow a participant to
>>> change
>>> their listening volume.  This should only affect the audio that the
>>> participant hears, and not the other participants in the conference
>>> -
>>> regardless of whether or not the audio originates from the same
>>> source.
>> thanks! I wasn't clear enough in my original mail. What I meant is:
>> the
>> volume of the stream that a user is listening to is adjusted, but the
>> volume of the conference itself is not changed! That means, a
>> conference
>> is going on, and everyone is listening to the same music at the same
>> time, but when the music becomes too loud or annoying, a user can
>> individually adjust the volume of his music, while the volume of the
>> speech of each user, basically the conference itself, remains the
>> same.
> Yes, I know.  That's what the DTMF menus in ConfBridge let you do.

thanks again. If I understand correctly, you are saying that there is a 
switch that allows a user to adjust the volume of the "background" music 
only, but the incoming speech that is coming in to him from other users 
will not get adjusted? That's awesome, but I can't find anything like 
that in the docs.

Will your example


not just decrease/increase the audio of *everything* that is coming in 
to the user, i.e. both music and speech? At least that it's how it's 
explained in the documentation, isn't it?

"Decreases the caller's listening volume. *Everything* they hear will 
sound quieter."

What I'm looking for is to adjust the incoming music only, not the 
incoming speech. How is ConfBridge able to separate between these two if 
they are going on at the same time?

> Again, that is what the menus in ConfBridge do.  Please read the ConfBridge
> documentation on the Asterisk wiki.
> https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/ConfBridge+10

Done that couple of times, but I still don't see that "feature".

I think there is still some sort of misunderstanding here. Maybe I'm not 
explaining it right...


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