[asterisk-users] Voicemail Configuration

John Marvin jm-asterisk at themarvins.org
Mon May 9 16:00:19 CDT 2011


I can't figure out a way of achieving what I want to do with the 
voicemail feature. I thought I'd ask here to see if there are any 
creative solutions that I have not considered.

What I want to do is have a message that says "Press 1 for Dick, or 2 
for Jane". Then, depending on which number is pressed, have the caller 
sent to the appropriate voicemail box. I know how to do that without any 

I want to keep repeating that message after a timeout, i.e. not send the 
caller to a default voicemail box if nothing is pressed. I can handle 
that also.

However, I want to record what is "said" during that time and send it to 
a third voicemail box once the caller hangs up without having pressed 1 
or 2. I want this ability in order to handle "robot callers". I'm not 
interested in most robot calls, but sometimes they contain useful 
information ("school closures", "your order is ready ..."  etc.). The 
problem is if I just timeout and send the caller to a 3rd mailbox I will 
usually have lost the beginning of the message, and I don't want a short 
timeout because I want someone to be able to listen to the prompt and 
make a proper choice (if they're not a robot).

Any ideas? Is this possible?



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