[asterisk-users] Calling Directory app from AGI

Mike Diehl mdiehl at diehlnet.com
Mon Jan 31 17:12:21 CST 2011

"Steve Edwards" <asterisk.org at sedwards.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 31 Jan 2011, Mike Diehl wrote:
>> I've got an agi script that calls the directory function, which seems to 
>> work to a point.  However, once the caller has selected an entry, I need 
>> my agi script to find out which extension was selected.  I've RTFM'd and 
>> don't see that the extension is returned.  Nor is a variable set, as far 
>> as I can see.
>> Is there a way to get this information from the directory application?
> No channel variable is set, but it would be a simple modification to the 
> source code to return the extension instead of dialing it.

Is this a patch that anyone else would be interested in?  I could probably
figure out how to accept a flag, say 'r', and return the extension.  I'm not
an official asterisk developer, but I could/would sign a release.


Take care and have fun,
Mike Diehl.

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