[asterisk-users] Asterisk 1.4.x segfaulting daily

Paulo Santos paulo.r.santos at sapo.pt
Wed Dec 14 08:50:57 CST 2011


Thank you all for the replies.

Steve Davies wrote:
> If I was guessing, I'd say that the channel structure that is being
> modified by the ast_setstate() call is incomplete, and contains some
> garbage pointers.
> If I was guessing further, I'd say that the callerID pointers are
> the most likely candidate - Does the issue happen when a caller-id
> withheld call is hung-up? hung-up before being answered perhaps?

It was an outgoing call that tried to call through the port 2, then 1
and finally 3. The third port has a quite different debug output than
the other 2. Maybe it's a problem on that connection, appears to be
common on all segfaults.

Apparently that third port is something of a strange group of BRI lines 
between that one and the line on the second port, but behaves 
differently. I'll try to find out more about it.

Patrick Lists wrote:
> If the suggestion from Steve Davies doesn't work out for you then my
> suggestion would be to try out the latest DAHDI & libpri with the
> latest Asterisk 1.8 because those versions have built-in support for
> the 4x BRI HFC chipset which can be found on the Digium b410p and
> the Openvox B400P. This way you no longer need mISDN V1 and have
> recent versions with tons of bugs fixed.

Unfortunately I can't do that, at least not now. I will, however,
migrate it eventually to either mISDN v2 or Dahdi, depending on the
state of Dahdi then.

P.S.: Attached the log.

Best regards,
Paulo Santos
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