[asterisk-users] question on register and dnsmgr_lookup

Jerry Geis geisj at pagestation.com
Fri Apr 22 08:55:16 CDT 2011

I "thought" I has everything using IP addresses.
I am not making "outside" calls this is all internal.

I have a connection between two machines both running asterisk.
I am using 1.8.3 and I see a lot of dnsmgr_lookup's for "mymachine".

I have a register line in sip.conf that is the only place mymachine is 
the actual definition for host= is the IP address.

the register line is something like:
register => jerry_asterisk:password at mymachine

I presume the mymachine is causing the dnsmgr_lookup's

Can I just replace the @mymachine with the machines IP address?

Will this work for 1.8 and 1.4?



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