[asterisk-users] Call Center: scripting for call routing, reporting, login and logout, CTI

Antonio Berrios antonio at sheffieldcitytaxis.com
Thu Sep 9 11:54:29 CDT 2010

bilal ghayyad wrote:
> Hi All;
> I would like to use Asterisk for a call center, but really does not know if Asterisk support the following in a good way:
> 1) Ability to do an inteligent routing, so to route the call to the proper skill group based on the caller information?
> 2) If I can create skill groups and then the agent will login to this skill group.
> 3) What about reporting to check the call center performance? How can I get it?
> 4) To have integration with the CRM, how to be done? Is it using CTI or how?
> 5) Is it possible that agent to login and logout and be ready and not ready?
> Appreciate your kindly advise and help.
> Regards
> Bilal
Yes to all 5. Asterisk can do all the above. I would only use ViciDial 
if you have a very large call center with many campaigns running, it 
does add another layer of complexity.

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