[asterisk-users] fraud advice

Steve Totaro stotaro at totarotechnologies.com
Fri Oct 15 11:20:36 CDT 2010

On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 11:50 AM, Jeff LaCoursiere <jeff at sunfone.com> wrote:
>> (BTW Sierra Leone is in West Africa, not the Middle East.)
> True ;)  Most of the calls were Iraq, UAE, Lebanon... Found another one
> today that was 2.5 DAYS long to Chile.  Bizarre.
> j

Not bizarre at all.  You being in the Virgin Islands should know what
that is probably about.


I have a general questionnaire prior to planning the installation.
One question is about international calls and using a PIN
(Authenticate(1234356)), totally blocking, having a few phones in a
separate context that can dial international.

Usually, I will explain the nature of an IP PBX and the dangers of
fraud, then go over what they "NEED".  If you do this along with
locking things down, hopefully you won't run into any more fraud, but
as you have seen first hand, there is big money to be made, so assume
you are defending against an international crime ring with lots of
time and knowledge.

Once you do your bit and cover your bases, then if there is fraud, you
save face and provide guidance rather than damage control.

http://www.infiltrated.net/asterisk-ips.html found that link while
looking googling for Nufone.  It appears there is may be more to the
story than I knew.  I know JerJer claimed to have received a bill for
$500k due to fraud.  I am not sure what happened after that but I am
seeing information about charges against him for mail fraud.

Steve T

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