[asterisk-users] Asterisk parking question

Steve Davies davies147 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 18 11:50:14 CST 2010

On 18 November 2010 17:43, Mike <list at net-wall.com> wrote:
> I tried that....or I think I did something similar, but that may or may not apply (depending on my understanding of parking lots)
> Here is my relevant contexts.  The SIP phones are registered under this context:
> [some_context]
> include => parkinglotA
> include => outboundcalls
> exten => t,1,Verbose(1|parking timeout!!!)
> Here, in features.conf, here is parkinglotA's definition
> [parkinglotA]
> context => parkinglotA
> parkpos => 101-120
> findslot => next
> parkingtime=>60
> The thing is, I never hit the "Verbose" command.
> So my questions:
> 1) Why won't this work?
> And more importantly:
> 2) what's this park-dial context you speak of ?  Is this a hardcoded context calls go back to?  Can I set one per parkilots (remember: I use multiple parking lots)

Your call is in the [parkinglotA] context, but you are adding the 't'
to your [some_context] context, perhaps the following will work. I
have not tried it:

include => parkinglotA
include => outboundcalls

exten => t,1,Verbose(1|parking timeout!!!)


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