[asterisk-users] useless mpg123 processes hanging around

Warren Selby wcselby at selbytech.com
Thu Nov 4 16:07:10 CDT 2010

On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 3:51 PM, Jeremy Kister
<asterisk-01 at jeremykister.com>wrote:

> Running Asterisk on debian 5.0.6 with mpg123 1.4.3
> when i start asterisk, i immediately see two mpg123 processes spawned
> which sit there forever.  I can't imagine it's normal behavior, but if
> it is, please explain :)


> # egrep -v '^$|^\;' musiconhold.conf
> [general]
>                     ; decrease consumable cpu cycles and memory
>                     ; disabled by default
> [default]
> mode=quietmp3
> directory=/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
> sort=random
> Anyone have ideas if/how I can change this behavior?

It is because you're using quietmp3 as your mode.

--Warren Selby, dCAP
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